Want to know About Us?
Montana Whitewater Raft Company and Yellowstone ZipLine Tours is a locally owned, family business. We have 25 years experience in providing quality outdoor adventurers to people seeking an authentic adventure while visiting Yellowstone National Park. We believe spending time in nature, especially while with family and friends is rejuvenating and increases understanding and respect for yourselves, your family, and your surroundings. Especially if you can do this all while having a great time!
Safety and Fun are our Highest Values.
We built the Gallatin Canyon ZipLine spring 2010 and added to it in summer 2011, with some of the finest builders in the industry. It is a partnership with Rockhaven Camp and Retreat Center. Rockhaven Camp is a historic church camp in the Gallatin Canyon. In keeping with their values, a portion of the profits from the zip line tours goes towards offering camp scholarships to local kids in need.
Our Yellowstone Ranch ZipLine, constructed in June/July 2012, with additions added in Fall 2012, is built with the same care and creativity as our first course. It is located on a private historic ranch bordering Yellowstone Park.